I am proud to have had the opportunity to work with John Dennis on his campaign for U.S. Congress against Nancy Pelosi. When you read his thank you letterbelow, you have a glimpse of why I feel that way.
By being a gentleman and a man high integrity, John bolstered my belief in the fundamental goodness of the people in this country---even those who run for office, and maybe a few of them who actually get voted in.

From John Dennis:
It is with regret that I confirm we did not succeed in our election for California's 8th congressional district seat. We did very well historically for the GOP in San Francisco, and we did well in relation to our party's current registration base. But we came up short in our ultimate goal of unseating Ms. Pelosi.
We did accomplish quite a bit along the way. We reversed a trend of declining votes for Republican congressional candidates in San Francisco. We also helped increase the San Francisco Republican party registration significantly, turning back a multi-decade slump. We helped give a new look to the local party and reached out across the political spectrum to build coalitions which will lead to future successes.
Our videos were viewed over 1 million times online, not to mention the millions who saw them on various television shows. We also had unprecedented national coverage for the campaign.
We leveraged cutting-edge online tools in ways which future campaigns will likely study. We deployed a ground game not seen in San Francisco Republican campaigns for some time.
Two accomplishments stand out: We addressed matters that Ms. Pelosi has avoided for years. And, more importantly, we unyieldingly identified and pounded the most significant issues facing our country.
Those issues are: 1) What is the appropriate role of the government in our lives? 2) Washington is a machine with its own interests, 3) The Left/Right fight is largely a diversion from the real battle between Washington and us, and 4) Your individual liberty is the highest political value.
That last point is most important to me personally. I fought, and will always fight, for your individual liberty, for your freedom. By securing your liberty, I secure liberty for my family and for all Americans.
Politics boils down to two truths. One, freedom works. Two, and more importantly, freedom is right.
As I said in my concession speech on the night of the election, always remember that, in spite of the mythologies they encourage and expound, Washington and all governments are just businesses. And they are businesses which use our sense of decency and patriotism to achieve their ends - at our expense. That's why we're in the mess we're in today.
The abolitionist Wendell Phillips reminded us that "eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." We will always be called to battle for freedom. I look forward to joining with you in those fights. I suspect other campaigns and issues will draw us together.
Thank you for everything you have done for me. Thank you to the amazing volunteers who were the heart and soul of the campaign. I am grateful for all of your support. It has been my pleasure, my honor, to fight for the values we share.
In Liberty,
John Dennis