Thursday, April 1, 2010

Important News of the Day

Unfortunately---no April Fool's on these stories.

1. Do you have to reveal your income to re-enter the US?

Michael Yon, independent news reporter on the middle east, arrested as he returns to the US.

It's unclear at this point what is going on here, but points toward abusive and excessively intrusive use of government power.

2. More evidence of data manipulation of the "official temperature record."

The above graphs show the change in the reported temperatures through time as the temperature data was "adjusted." See how the gap between the red and blue lines gradually disappears?

3. Obama's $3,000,000,000,000 Tax Hike - WSJ (Just incase you missed this back on March 3---before the health control bill passed.)

4. According to the RAND Corporation, ObamaCare will increase health care costs 2% more than what they would have increased without this law.

4. Now that it's passed it time to find out what is in it.

As you read through the timeline, ask yourself, just how many government programs, regulations, mandates and commissions does it take before it qualifies as a government take-over of medical care?


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